Youth Leader Study Who are you?Tell us a little bit about yourself, but make sure to not share any personal information on your answers!What is your location?How old are youPlease enter a number from 18 to 99.What is your gender?MaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayWhat is your status?SingleDating/EngagedMarriedOtherWhat is 'other'?What is your titleChurch Leader (Priest, Vicar, Pastor)Youth PastorYouth Leader (Paid Position)Youth Leader (Volunteer Position)OtherWhat is 'other'?What do you like?We’d love to know a little bit about your interests and hobbies!You have a day off – what would you be doing?After a long day, how would you spend some time relaxing?How often do you watch live TV?DailyA few times a weekA few times a monthRarelyHow often do you watch streaming tv?DailyA few times a weekA few times a monthRarelyeg. netflix, disney plus, amazon prime…What is your favourite TV show?How often do you listen to music?DailyA few times a weekA few times a monthRarelyeg. netflix, disney plus, amazon prime…Do you pay for any music streaming platform subscription?Yes, I have an active subscriptionNo, but I used to have a subscriptionNo, I've never had a subscriptioneg. Spotify or Apple MusicWhat is your favourite current song?How often do you go out for non-work related activities?DailyA few times a weekA few times a monthRarelyHow do you search online?Whether we use google or bing, can determine what type of people we are…What devices do you currently own? Computer Tablet Phone Select AllWhich of the devices do you use more often?ComputerTabletPhoneWhich of the devices do you use the least?ComputerTabletPhoneWhat Channels do you have? Facebook Instagram X (formerly known as Twitter) TikTok BeReal LinkedIn Whatsapp Pinterest Snapchat Other Select AllWhat is 'other'?Which of the channels do you use more often?FacebookInstagramX (formerly known as Twitter)TikTokBeRealLinkedInWhatsappWhich of the channels do you use the least?FacebookInstagramX (formerly known as Twitter)TikTokBeRealLinkedInWhatsappWhat Search Engine do you use?GoogleBingYahoo!EcosiaDuckDuckGoOtherI don’t mind whichever gives me the answer I’m looking forWhat is 'other'?Let’s say you need to search a nice restaurant for a date night – where would you search it?What if you don’t know what to wear for a concert – where would you search it?What if you want to know what happens to water when it hits 220ºC – where would you search it?What is your relationship with Alpha?This is your chance to tell us a little bit about your alpha path.Do you know about the Alpha Course?Yes, I have heard of itYes, I have ran it beforeNo, I don't know about the Alpha CourseHave you ran an Alpha Youth Course before?No, I have only ran Adult CoursesYes, I have ran both Adult and Youth courses beforeYes, I have only ran Youth coursesRate the alpha brand from 1 to 100?Please enter a number from 1 to 100.Would you buy an item from alpha youth to support the brand's mission?Yes, definitely!Maybe, depending on the item and priceNo, not interested in any itemsWhat is your challenges and motivations?We want to know what is on your heart and how we can help! Only 3 questions to go!What would you say it’s the most challenging thing about working with Youth?What is your biggest motivation to work with Youth?What would you think it’s the missing piece in the market to help someone like you reach the Youth? Δ Don’t forget to click ‘Submit’ to finish your form